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How to save on grocery shopping: the ultimate and updated guide

Updated: Aug 26

The key to success lies in the art of deciding where, how, when, and what to purchase. We are delighted to share with you our tips, which we have gained through experience by studying price trends and everything related to grocery shopping.

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Before we begin, we would like to emphasize that our recommendations are the result of internal research and are obviously not universally applicable to everyone. Their effectiveness varies depending on the type of grocery shopping, shopping habits, available budget, and where you are shopping.

We wanted to devote an entire article to this topic because we know that grocery shopping is one of the most important cost items for families, and by optimizing it, it is possible to derive financial savings, which is especially useful in these times of inflation.

Let's not get lost in small talk. Here are our 8 tips that we believe are the most effective:

1. Make a shopping list and stick to it
This is the most important tip to avoid buying things you don't really need. Before you go out shopping, take some time to write a list of everything you need. This will help you stay focused and avoid giving in to the temptations of the moment.
It is not necessary to complete the list immediately; you could do it even within 1 or 2 days. The main thing is to organize it carefully without rushing, taking into account your needs for the next few days.

2. Consider the offers
Read supermarket flyers and plan your shopping according to the available offers. In this way, you can save on the products you buy most often.

3. Consider all prices and not just the deals
This point is slightly counter to the previous one but just as important, in fact it is crucial. Buying based solely on flyer offers often induces impulsive buying decisions. Moreover, it is common for promotions to entice us to purchase products on offer, but then we end up adding other items to the cart that are not on promotion, and sometimes cost even more than the average market price. This is part of the strategy of large retail chains. It is crucial to understand that this should not be a criticism against large retailers, but rather should be seen as a common, normal business practice adopted not only by large retailers but somewhat by all online and offline retailers in any industry.

Our recommendation, however, is to not only look for deals, but also to be aware of the prices of other products that are not on promotion. To simplify, let's take for example the cans of Rio Mare Tuna on offer in a supermarket and assume that you also need the 'extra virgin olive oil and many other products. It is possible that the tuna may be on offer, while the oil and other products may not be, and may even cost less elsewhere.
To truly understand how much savings you can get, you should think about the price difference between the product you are buying and the same product with the lowest price, do this for all the products, add up all these differences, and finally multiply the total by all the times you shop. So basically, it is a good idea to consider shopping in different supermarkets looking for the best price for each product or product group. In Europe it is a very common habit to shop from different stores, imagine that only 13% of people shop at one grocery store, while 36% prefer two stores and 30% even visit three! This trend is widespread throughout Europe, although there are some regional differences. European consumers know the market well, which means that they not only compare prices of individual products across supermarkets, but also know where to find the best deals. We are aware that the way to do this might be a bit inconvenient, since you would have to walk around between different stores, take note of prices and plan your purchases, and eventually return to some supermarkets you have already visited. This is precisely why the Zeuler app can be a great help, simplifying the shopping process, even for the most experienced shoppers. But more on that in a moment.

4. Look for supermarket-branded products
Supermarket brand products are often cheaper than brand-name products. Do not be afraid to try these products; in fact, they are of excellent quality. Of course, if your palate does not discount and is accustomed to one type of flavor, then at that point you will buy the product you have always bought, which is somewhat your personal guarantee of quality. We understand you, for example how do you give up Nutella or CocaCola. In any case, combining supermarket-branded products with top-branded ones could be a good buying strategy aimed at saving money without losing quality. Supermarket-branded products for the most part are quality and undergo rigorous quality control. Supermarkets have a vested interest in ensuring that their products are safe and of high quality, as this affects their reputation and profit.

5. Compare prices
Don't always buy the same things from the same store. Each supermarket is characterized by certain products, for example, some supermarkets might secure some products at lower prices, while others might do so with products in other categories. Take the time to compare prices in different supermarkets, without, of course, losing quality.
There are a few websites that can help you compare food prices, but they are quite scattered, indeed some only show the deals, without giving you the opportunity to search for the best price of all the products belonging to your shopping cart. Instead, Zeuler can do it for you, and in a moment we will explain how to get this functionality for free, at absolutely no cost.

6. Reduce waste
Avoid throwing away food. Don't even think about it slowly. Cook the right amounts and store leftovers properly. We should limit ourselves to buying only what we actually need; this constitutes one of the easiest ways to reduce food waste. You should be careful not to leave leftovers from dishes that have already been cooked, dosing portions carefully and using ingredients in the right amounts. Also, we understand that sometimes there may be some food left over to cook, such as another 20 to 30 grams of pasta, and we cook it anyway. Unfortunately and often then it ends up not being consumed by anyone. In such situations, it is important to consider whether it is possible to keep that food and employ it in other culinary preparations in the following days. Some creativity and careful organization is required, but these practices, in the long run, contribute significantly to reducing food waste, and they are also an ethical choice that we should all pursue.

7. Also evaluate discount stores
Of course, the decision to buy from discount stores is entirely up to you and depends on a number of variables, including your individual needs, personal preferences, budget and lifestyle. However, in general, discount stores offer a number of advantages that may intrigue you, including competitive prices and a wide variety of products. The question of convenience is actually subjective and depends on how you define this concept: whether you see it simply as getting lower prices or as striking a balance between price and quality. Also, it is important to note that many people shop at both discount stores and supermarkets with intermediate prices. It should also be noted that convenience often depends on the type of product, and in some cases, especially for supermarket-branded products, you might find cheaper prices than at the discounters.

8. Cook at home as much as possible
It may seem obvious to say, but especially in these times of inflation, restaurant prices have risen by leaps and bounds, more so than food prices in supermarkets. Eating out or ordering food at home can be very expensive. If you have time, cooking at home is the best way to save on groceries, especially when you have a family.

Zeuler: the best app to help you save money

With these tips, especially when combined, you can definitely achieve significant savings on your monthly spending. To further increase your savings, we recommend using the Zeuler app. Zeuler is a completely free app that allows you to compare food prices at your favorite supermarkets located near you.

You can easily compare the prices of all the items you need quickly and intuitively. Once you open the app, simply search for the product you want or browse through thousands of available options. Don't be fooled by the price of a single product, because if there are local supermarkets selling it at the best price, the app will immediately show it to you on the next screen that appears after you click on the item.

In addition, you will have the option to add the products to a new list you want to create or to add it to a previously created list, obviously consisting of items sold by supermarkets in the same area. Thanks to this app doing all this work for you, you will always be able to get the cheapest prices, not only those of the products on offer, but for the entire shopping cart. However, keep in mind that a combined purchase does not always guarantee significant savings, as it depends on the type of cart you are creating and the products in it. Again, Zeuler assists you by showing you the cost of the same cart at each supermarket in your area.

You will also have the flexibility to change the products within each cart for each supermarket. In summary, Zeuler is a comprehensive app that uses intelligent algorithms to help you save money without compromising product quality or sacrificing your convenience.

The Zeuler app is available for both Android and iOS. To download it, you need to search for “Zeuler” in the store.

With Zeuler, grocery shopping has never been easier and more convenient. By following these tips and using Zeuler, you can save money and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Happy shopping!


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